Best iPhone Valentine's Day Gift January 27 2015
We're biased, but our suggestion for the best damn valentine's day gift ever ( or supplemental gift in case your valentine likes diamonds or solid gold bars) is our patented Glow Gels for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
Our gel covers have always been popular valentine's day gifts -- usually selling out around this time of year. Here's why we think that not only your Valentine will love them, but also why your Valentine's iphone will love them too:
iPhone glow gel cases are sexy:
First and foremost, Glow Gel covers are just plain hot! They're the sleekest iPhone protection available. It's surface is like smooth glass. Or a waxed sports car. Its surface is fun and soothing to touch. The design is simple and minimalistic - just the way apple designed their iPhones. And they'll stick with your iPhone for years through good time and bad because of their durable ArmorGlow coating, which is self-healing and absorbs shock.
iPhone glow gel covers GLOW!
Not only do they glow, they are the longest glowing iPhone protection in the world. This is not just a cool trick. It's really useful and will change your Valentine's life. No longer will he/ she get up at night and have to stumble around blindly searching for their phone. It will be a radiant beacon of light. They can easily locate it in their purse, backpack or anywhere in the dark. The glow will also remind them of your deep love for them this Valentine's day and much more. Heck, you can even write a glow note on their phone!
iPhone Glow Gel skins come in beautiful colors...
...Just like your valentine. Our fashion designers seek out the hottest color trends of the season. Then we make about a million variations of that color here in Los Angeles and chose the best one out of that group. Each glow gel is then handcrafted with love and totally unique from each other... Like a snowflake... Like a sunrise... Like your valentine.
We can go on and on about how our iPhone glow gels are the perfect gift for valentine's day, but we'll shut up now. Go ahead and get a Glow Gel for your Valentine and if a glowing smile doesn't rise on their face when they see it, just send it back for a full refund.
Dare to glow!!